Best Practice

Overwhelmed during SATs? Create a toolkit to support pupils

Having a toolkit of techniques to help pupils cope if they are feeling anxious or overwhelmed is vital, especially with SATs around the corner. Viv Trask-Hall sets out three approaches
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Overwhelm is a word that seems to sum up our lives and times at the moment, not least for many children under our care.

So many children have a hard time of it today. With the cost of living and the legacy of Covid adding to the pressures of family and school life. It is no wonder that the feelings of so many children get knocked out of balance.

And of course SATs can often add to this pressure for certain pupils. With the tests just around the corner (key stage 2 SATs run from May 13 to 16 this year) I would like to consider some techniques that can help children to address these feelings of overwhelm.

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